Does Meditation Help with Exams?

Does Meditation Help with Exams?

Meditation is a proven tool that can reduce anxiety, clear your mind and create a clam mood. But can meditation also help you improve your exam scores?  Meditation can definitely help you to pass exams and even im
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reading makes you smarter

11 Reasons Why Reading Makes You Smarter

Leaders of the industry report that they read up to 5 books every month. There obviously is a connection between reading a lot and success so let’s find out what in particular are the benefits of frequent reading.
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Does it Take 21 Days to Form a Habit?

Does it Take 21 Days to Form a Habit?

Wouldn’t it be great to get rid of any unwanted habits and replace them with your desired ways of doing things like quit smoking? So can you form a new habit in 21 days? The simple answer is: No. The 21-day habit
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